The Importance of Club Fitting
The Professional Staff at Greenway Hall recognise the Importance of being fitted for your clubs. So many of their lessons who come for coaching often with the wrong clubs and wonder why they are having difficulty in finding consistency. Don't waste money buying off the shelf, Off websites that can't offer a fitting service. Come and get fitted here at Greenway Hall by our dedicated Professionals who are qualified Ping technicians.
Ping launched their lates G430 product back in February and it is proving to be very Powerfull, Very forgiving and so so easy to hit. Call one of our team today to book your fitting.
Alternatively we have a Ping demo day on Thursday 11th May from 1pm - 5pm at the Driving Range. We only have 6 slots available for this fitting.
Please feel free to call us on 01782 503158 opt 1 to book your fitting.
Greenway Hall Professional Staff.
Published: Sat 08 Apr 2023 (Edited: Wed 30 Oct 2024)
Author: Richard Owens
Published by: Greenway Hall Golf Club